
Archive for June, 2010

Blog the World Cup

We’re going to head across to the blog which we’re running with 32 other schools. Follow the link at

to see what has already been created whilst you were writing your exams. There is a project to start off with, but besides all signing up as contributors so that we can comment on and write posts which will be published, students should explore all aspects of the Year 7 football blog.

You are encouraged to visit other country’s blogs and comment on the work they’re doing. Our Head, Mr Fear has already made several contributions, so it’s time to catch up, even take over and make the blog your own.

We’ll be doing several fun things alongside the more formal tasks. The first one is to create a video of everyone shouting, “GGGOOOOAAAAAALLLLL” for an online competition. We need to perhaps wait until GCSE and Sixth Form exams are over before we attempt this!

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